How to Change a Washing Machine Belt
Having a high street shop, we often get people coming in asking our advice or wanting to buy a washing machine belt. And although we are in the business of selling spare parts, we try not to sell parts if customers do not need them. As soon as the drum stops turning people seem to automatically suspect the belt, and without another thought they go and buy a new one.
Belts are often wrongly diagnosed as being faulty but they often outlive the machine. Other faults are often the cause of a drum not turning including: worn motor brushes, a faulty pulley or the drum bearings worn causing the belt to come off because its running out of line.
Another reason for people thinking that the belt is at fault is due to newer machines having an "Out of balance protection systems" if a wash load is uneven due to large or very small washing loads, this can make this operate so the spin cycle is aborted.
Replacing the belt is a fairly easy task but first Unplug the machine. Most are accessible from the back but when taking the back panel off, be aware of some machines as they can have very sharp edges where the back panel has been removed. Remove any remains of the old belt from around the motor pulley and the drum pulley.
Belts are fed on from the motor first, then around the pulley, So place the belt around the motor pulley first and feed it around the driving side of the drum pulley, keeping it tight, one hand can hold the belt and feed it on and the other used to turn the drum pulley until its all on.
If its a tight fit, be careful that it suddenly doesn't turn fast at the end because it could trap fingers or cause the hand to touch the sharp edges.
Some stretch belts are very tight and its important to get the right belt . This can be done by entering your Model Number in our search Bar or by using our Parts Enquiry form.